Microsoft FrontPage Extensions

Our servers support the Microsoft FrontPage 97/98/2000/2002 Extensions. The extensions are installed on your site, if requested, when your account is set up. If you did not ask for the FrontPage extensions to be installed when your account was set up, but would now like them added to your site, please submit a support ticket - we will be happy to install them for you.

What are the extensions for?

The FrontPage extensions provide you with one method of adding functionality to your web site, including hit counters, search forms, general forms, and discussion groups.  Additionally, when the FrontPage extensions are installed on your site, you can use your FrontPage software to open your HTML pages directly from the web, edit them, and save the changed pages directly back to your web site.

For further details please refer to the Microsoft FrontPage Site.

Uploading Your FrontPage Site

We strongly recommend that you use your FrontPage software (and never FTP or the Control Panel) to upload your FrontPage site. The steps required to upload your site using FrontPage are as follows:

  1. Open your FrontPage web in Microsoft FrontPage;
  2. Choose Publish from the File menu (do not use the Publish button);
  3. The Publish box should appear. Click on the More Webs button;
  4. A new dialog box should appear asking you to specify the location to which you want to publish your FrontPage web. Enter (not Do not check the box next to "Secure connection required (SSL)". Click OK.
  5. The status bar at the bottom of your screen should say "Publishing YourWebName to".
  6. A dialog box will appear asking for your username and password. Enter your usual user name and your FrontPage password. Click on OK.
  7. FrontPage should now publish your site. When it is finished, a message will appear in the status bar at the bottom of your screen saying "Published to".

A few tips:

  • You CANNOT publish using FrontPage UNTIL your name server information has been changed and your ISP has updated their information.  FrontPage will publish to your domain name only and not to the IP address (unless you have a dedicated IP).
  • The FrontPage extensions are set up to work with a site name of the format, not just If you use the latter to access or publish your pages, you will find that your FrontPage extensions will not work.

Opening your web directly from your web site

You can open and edit your FrontPage web directly off the web rather than editing the copy on your hard drive and uploading it again.

To open/edit your web site, please follow these steps:

  1. Open your FrontPage software;
  2. Choose Open FrontPage Web from the File menu;
  3. The Getting Started box should appear. Click on More Webs;
  4. A new dialog box appears. In the top box where it asks you to select a Web server or disk location, enter Do not check the "Secure connection required" box. Click on List Webs;
  5. <Root Web> should appear in the lower box titled "FrontPage Webs found at location" . Click on <Root Web> to select it, then click on OK;
  6. FrontPage should then open your web site and the contents of your site will appear in the FrontPage Explorer.

Further Information

Further information on FrontPage is available at the Microsoft site:

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